Monday, June 13, 2011

Each generation has something valuable to offer

Each generation has something valuable to offer to society. Starting back from hundreds of generations ago when the wheel was invented. Now imagine if we didn't have the key generations that invented the things that make our world what it is. Cars, roads, skyscrapers, toaster ovens? if none of these had come to be what would our world be like?

You always here the older generation saying us teenagers are hoodlums, no goods, and overall nuisances, but our generation and all the generations after us are going to keep changing the world just like the generations before us did. Saying a generation has nothing to offer is like saying its not raining when there is a thunder storm outside. Just looking in high school you see the people who are going to change the world, the kids who are going to invent the new things that make our lives work. So to the people who say that a generation, any generation, has nothing to offer society? Look at what all the generations before us who were told the same thing accomplished.

HP 7 review

This groundbreaking phenomenon is the best yet of the Harry Potter franchise. The never-ending action and intertwining plot leaves you on the edge of your seat, and your mind realing. The beggining of the end brings a much darker tone to the magical world of Harry Potter, but the witty comedy, and emotional pull is still there. With all the action, love, adventure, and suspense you will wont be able to pull your eyes away from the screen. And the superb casting makes this thriller one for the history books.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Highschool. It makes or breaks you. People say its suppose to be the best time of you life, it makes who you are, changes you, blah blah blah. Yes some of these are true, but you also have to see the side where it is a building full of hormonal, immature,kids, who feed off drama. Now i cant personally say i have never started or taken part in drama, but the rumours heard in this prison like building are quite crazy. You have to worry about grades, gradding, being accepted, fitting in, drama, rumours, and everything else under the sun, who knew the "best time of your life" would be so difficult and stressful. More importantly grad year. Now truth be told the parties, and the grad events are a good time, but the stress about grads, school, and what you are going to do with the rest of your life. Yes i said the REST OF YOUR LIFE. That is quiet a hefty decision for 17 and 18 year olds. But really who would have thought that the four years of highschool would decide everything for you, if you fail math you cant go to this school, if you dont pass english you never graduate, like really is all a little crazy. I know that the administration and teachers are trying to help us become better citizens in our society and get us ready for university, but the requirments for graduating and college are a little steep. In retrospect i have to say highschool has been a pretty decent couple of years, but boy am i glad to be done.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

Yes, i do believe it is very important to love your job. Look at the people who are 40 years old and working at McDonalds, do they really look like they want to be flipping burgers and dealing with drunk teens? No. So having a job where your happy and loving what your doing is really important. I am going to go to school to become a Vet Technician. I plan on taking a year off to upgrade some math classes and to work, and then going on to either TRU or Douglas College to take the Vet Tech course.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Steig Larsson was born on August 15th 1954 and died on November 9th 2004 due to a heart attack. He wrote professionally as a Swedish journalist and writer, he published his millenium series after his death. He was the second best author in the world in 2008 and his millenium books had sold 27 million copies in more than 40 countries. Larssons first writing style was actually in sicence fiction rather than the popular crime fiction and had published quite a few short stories. He was initially a political activist for the Kommunistiska Arbetareförbundet and a photographer. In relation to Larssons death there were some thoughts that it was induced because of death threats he had earlier received, but they were later denied by  his publisher.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Perception is Everything.

The theme of this presentation is that what we see isnt nesesarily real. This connects to ad campaigns, and how the people in them, particularly the woman, are so altered and airbrushed. This shows girls that thats what they need to look like, when in truth nobody is really that perfect. Another thing i connected this too was how what we see on commercials isnt always true. Like all the infomercials showing remedies to grow hair back, and loose ten pounds in ten days. All these things are made to appear real but in reality they probably don't work. So really alot of the stuff we see on tv or in magaizines inst real, be it a model in a clothing ad, or a commerical for weightloss.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Perils Of Indifference.

1. How dangerous it can become when people don't show interest or concern for something.
2. I connected the story "The Lottery" to mob mentality at sporting events. Particularly soccer in Europe. The crowd goes ballistic at these games, resulting in mass stampedes. While i have not personally experienced a stampede at one of these games, I did go to a soccer game in Madrid. And once I saw the thousands of people in the stands it was not very hard to imagine how mob mentality can make a huge impact here. There were close to 40,000 people in one stadium all jumping,screaming, and cheering for there team. It is pretty overwhelming, and from personal experience you do get caught up in the mentality of everyone in the stadium. So while it is not a very normal thing to have a stampede at a soccer game, but is very easy to get caught up in mob mentality while you are at one. Making the shocking ending to "The Lottery" a little more relatable. (Not saying i condone stoning people of course)

3. Elie Wiesel's speech relates to "The Lottery" because he is discussing how people do not intervene in the tragic events that are going on around them, and even get caught up in joining them. Elie also discusses how we see the children suffer form not intervening in tragic situations, this relates to the lottery because not only could a small child be picked to get stoned, but they also may lose a parent or a sibling to the lottery. He talks about how older generation actions affect the younger generation, and in both stories it is for the worse.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Creative Pursuits.

8. Use the following words in a story: hypocrite, paperclip, city, telephone, cookie jar
It was a mystery to everyone as to why the cookie jar was empty. Well everyone but me that is. I knew right from the start that hypocrite took the last cookie. The whole family was flabber gasted, and while they sat in shock, I devised a plan to catch the cookie snatching thief. My plan began by scouring the city for the thief in question. I asked the whole town if they had seen her. The heath nut who i knew stole my cookies, thinking no one would ever find out  it was her, but i knew better. Once i found her telephone number paper clipped to her training ad, my plan fell into place. I phoned up the criminal and just by the nervous way she said 'hello', she knew she had been caught. Know months later I am known as the hero of the household having ratted out my the cookie thief, and saved the day.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk A Paragraph

Dear Diary:

I know its going to be a long day today. Its sale day at Suzanne’s, a day that it looked forward to all who shop there regularly, but not to me. Your “happy” sales clerk. Dealing with all complaints with a smile and a quick fix, I’m also the one who tells hundreds of customers over and over again how great they look in a shirt I would much rather see on me and not them. Anyway, I start my day by waking up to the piercing sound of Ryan Seacrest and in the morning and slowly rolling out of my comfortable and warm bed and slipping on my glasses. Stepping on to the cold hardwood floor I make my way out to the small kitchen and make myself a coffee. I watch the morning news till I drain my coffee and then slowly start the task of getting ready. Picking out the right outfit and styling my curly hair doesn’t take long, and before you know it I am in my car, heading towards the mall. My first job of the day, after moving sale racks and fixing crumpled clothes, is to blow up sale balloons. A relatively painless, and easy job, or so I thought. Standing in the small, cramped window display I begin blowing up the colorful balloons, as the enclosed area slowly becomes filled with the sales advertisements I realize how little room I have to move. Slowly, taking small steps, I make my way over to where no balloons have fallen, avoiding popping any until the heel of my boots grazes a blue balloon. The result is loud and magnified in the window display; my scream is very high pitched and no doubt had attracted the attention of teenage girl sitting on the couches near the store. I don’t dare look; I instead quickly arrange the balloons in an artful matter and hurriedly run out to admire my work before disappearing into the store. The day as I anticipated was long and full of complaints, but it is now done and I am peacefully sitting with my cat Chester, watching Day of Our Lives. I hear my T.V dinner revolving slowly in the microwave, and the smell of plastic chicken and fake corn is wafting over to me. I hear the faint ting as the 3 minutes comes to an end and make my way to retrieve the bland food. Again I go sit with Chester and tell him about my day and think about how tomorrow will be better, since sale day is over and there will be no more balloons to be blown up. But I must go now, since House is on and I can’t miss it, so goodnight diary.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

21st Century Education

I think the most important skills for post-high school life are the ones that help prepare you for everyday life. Like communication,writing, and social interactions. I think we are getting taught these skills in high-school but i don't think we are really developing them. Yes, teachers show us how to write proper essays or do the math equation right but our we really learning it? I say no. Do we ever really remember how to do the things we were taught the next year? or even at the end of a semester? Even teachers know this, why do you think we always do review at the beginning of each year! I think we definitely remember some things we are taught but when we are taught them just for the test or for and exam we don't really retain the information, because our minds are set on learning it just for the test of exam. Not for an extended period of time. But if you learn something in a fun interactive way, or learn something that you know will help you in life, then you are more likely to retain the information. Which i don't think happens a lot in schools today. Students are forced to learn things that don't help us in out lives at all, like learning algebra or how to use a periodic table. Who's really going to use that, that isn't going into chemistry or math in university? Not a whole lot of people. So truthfully i think we are developing some of the important life skills in high-school but i definitely think we will finish learning them in the real world. I think the perfect school would be where you could come in and learn things that apply to what you want to do with the rest of your life. That is what they are trying to prepare us for right? so why are we learning all this pointless side stuff that is you are never going to use. I think that a perfect school would be where you got to pick courses that specialized in something you love to do. And even if you went into school not knowing what you wanted to do, taking courses and learning things would help you decide what you wanted to do! seeing things that you liked or hated would help you decide on that one thing you found out you loved. So basically my perfect school would be decided what i wanted. And not doing something, just for the sake of learning it and acing the test, knowing that i am never going to use or even remember it after. Next year, much to the disagreement of my parents, I am taking a year off. I know what I want to do with my life, but I'm not ready to fully commit to it. So whats the point in going to school when you are not fully prepared or your hearts not really there. I am planning on working and saving up for school, but I am also planning on moving away and living in Coquitlam or renting an apartment with friends in Penticton. Even though I am taking a year off i am definitely planning on going to school right after. I am planning on going to Douglas College in Coquitlam to become a vet technician.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


If I could have any superpower in the world it would be the power of super speed. I would choose this power over all other powers because first of all, it would be awesome, and second of all, well there isn't really a second reason it would just be awesome. Having super speed you could run where ever you wanted, whenever you wanted and the villainwould never be able to catch you. You could reach any tragedy, bank robbery, or any other place you would need a superhero to save the day, blindingly fast. Seems pretty cool, right? Well if your not convinced yet, let me tell you a bit more about this super awesome power. So not only can you reach any place super fast, you could also save the day in a few seconds. Wasting no time from you day, and overall saving more woman, children, and whoever else you felt like saving that day. Well i know I'm convinced, but if you are still unimpressed that running around super fast is cool, then I guess theres no hope for you, but just remember that not only are you saving lives with this power, you are doing it in record time. Leaving you hours in your day to soak up all the awesomeness of being a famous superhero. Whether it be relaxing in your penthouse, or partying with all your fans. So really being super fast saves lives and time. Can that really get any better? that would be a no.