Monday, June 13, 2011

Each generation has something valuable to offer

Each generation has something valuable to offer to society. Starting back from hundreds of generations ago when the wheel was invented. Now imagine if we didn't have the key generations that invented the things that make our world what it is. Cars, roads, skyscrapers, toaster ovens? if none of these had come to be what would our world be like?

You always here the older generation saying us teenagers are hoodlums, no goods, and overall nuisances, but our generation and all the generations after us are going to keep changing the world just like the generations before us did. Saying a generation has nothing to offer is like saying its not raining when there is a thunder storm outside. Just looking in high school you see the people who are going to change the world, the kids who are going to invent the new things that make our lives work. So to the people who say that a generation, any generation, has nothing to offer society? Look at what all the generations before us who were told the same thing accomplished.

HP 7 review

This groundbreaking phenomenon is the best yet of the Harry Potter franchise. The never-ending action and intertwining plot leaves you on the edge of your seat, and your mind realing. The beggining of the end brings a much darker tone to the magical world of Harry Potter, but the witty comedy, and emotional pull is still there. With all the action, love, adventure, and suspense you will wont be able to pull your eyes away from the screen. And the superb casting makes this thriller one for the history books.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Highschool. It makes or breaks you. People say its suppose to be the best time of you life, it makes who you are, changes you, blah blah blah. Yes some of these are true, but you also have to see the side where it is a building full of hormonal, immature,kids, who feed off drama. Now i cant personally say i have never started or taken part in drama, but the rumours heard in this prison like building are quite crazy. You have to worry about grades, gradding, being accepted, fitting in, drama, rumours, and everything else under the sun, who knew the "best time of your life" would be so difficult and stressful. More importantly grad year. Now truth be told the parties, and the grad events are a good time, but the stress about grads, school, and what you are going to do with the rest of your life. Yes i said the REST OF YOUR LIFE. That is quiet a hefty decision for 17 and 18 year olds. But really who would have thought that the four years of highschool would decide everything for you, if you fail math you cant go to this school, if you dont pass english you never graduate, like really is all a little crazy. I know that the administration and teachers are trying to help us become better citizens in our society and get us ready for university, but the requirments for graduating and college are a little steep. In retrospect i have to say highschool has been a pretty decent couple of years, but boy am i glad to be done.